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products purchased together in your store

Products Purchased Together Most Often in Your Convenience Store

To stay ahead of the competition, you need to understand customer habits, like the products people purchase the most. Your convenience store appeals to your customers because of the experience you provide. Customers buy an average of 2.6 items during a convenience store trip. What products do your customers buy together, and how can you […]

how to the leader your small business needs

How to Be the Leader Your Small Business Needs

Growing your business takes more than just owning it. A successful company has a leader who guides their employees to success. How does someone become a respected leader for their business? We think these ideas will help you take on the role. What Makes a Good Small Business Leader? Entrepreneurs who run an efficient small […]

seasonal promotions for your retail store

How to Manage Seasonal Promotions at Your Retail Store

Would you like to offer a promotion to your retail customers, but don’t know where to start? How about a seasonal promotion focused on a holiday or time of year? Seasonal marketing gives you a theme to work with and a way to stay competitive with big retailers. Use the information in this guide to […]

employment scheduling made easier

How to Make Employee Scheduling Easier at Your Supermarket

Your supermarket’s employees have busy schedules. You want to give them shifts that make sense so that everyone can balance their work and everyday lives. When something comes up and an employee can’t come in, you want to have backup options. Managing your staff’s schedule takes a lot of work, but it becomes easier when […]

hire millennials for your small business

Why You Should Hire Millennials for Your Small Business

More than one-third of American workers are part of the millennial generation. As the hiring manager for a small business, you likely see plenty of people in their 20’s and 30’s applying for a job, but you might worry that the stereotypes about younger adults have some truth to them. It turns out that millennials […]

hire employees for small business

What to Look for in Hiring Small Business Employees

Both new and experienced small business owners find hiring difficult. While a lot of people mention how hard it is to look for a job, not as many realize that hiring also has its challenges. How do you know which candidate to hire? You have unique hiring needs, but all small businesses can benefit from […]

reasons employees quit their jobs

Top Eight Reasons Employees Quit Their Part-Time Jobs

According to Forbes, the United States now has its largest job-quitting rate since 2001. When one of your employees quits, you lose the time and money needed to replace them. You could even have a business that doesn’t do enough for its employees if your workers keep leaving. These eight reasons why part-time employees quit […]