Accept all type of payment including Credit/Debt card, EBT, Apple/Android Pay & much more!
Store Statistics
Track your sales, manage your expenses & see sales reports of your promotional offers.
Add & manage your list of vendors to keep track of how much you spend & your relationships.
Create user profiles with custom set permissions for you and your staff.
Manage your inventory levels and get alerts when you are running low on specific products.
In-Store Items
Add unique/unscannable products to your price list and create fast checkout options.
Manage your inventory or choose from over 100,000+ products we’ve already included for you.
Create your own sales & offers. The discounts are automatically added during checkout.
One-Click Items
Preset popular items to be added in the customer’s cart at the push of one button.
Training & Help
A complete guide of training videos, manuals & more to help you get the most out of your POS.
In this section, you can customize your store’s profile and troubleshoot your system, if necessary.
A one-stop shop for products & services offered by NRS and some of our partners to merchants.