Asset 2

Get the best
of both worlds

Connect and use DoorDash’s services within your NRS platforms or applications, so you can receive orders from the DoorDash app & website.

What is the DoorDash Integration?

Open your NRS online store on the DoorDash platform automatically, easily and quickly
Expose your store to
many more customers

With DoorDash, you are exposed to a broader customer base that has not yet gotten to know you

Increase your revenue potential

Take advantage of the opportunity to maximize your revenue with minimal effort

Manage all orders in one place

With our new order management system you can conveniently manage and deliver all orders from all platforms in one place

Order Management System

Our new Order Management System will help you fulfill all orders from all your online platforms in one place: Your NRS website, Kiosk, BOSS Local app, and DoorDash.
Order Management is accessible across devices on the POS, Merchant Portal & the My NRS Store mobile app
Not an NRS customer? What are you waiting for?

Join nrs today!

Select Join NRS to fill out the contact form and one of our experienced team members will reach out to you.

Connecting Your
DoorDash Account

If you are new to DoorDash and need an account just click here to get setup with DoorDash.
When your account is ready, come back here for a step-by-step guide on completing the integration setup.


Make sure you have your NRS Integration Code handy. If you don’t have an integration code, contact DoorDash Merchant Support to get yours today.


Set up your DoorDash store the way you want it. Manage ordering hours, order acceptance and more. Right from your NRS POS, Merchant Portal or My NRS Store app.


You’re ready for business!
Manage your catalog and orders; make changes, pick, pack and fulfill right from your NRS POS, Merchant Portal or My NRS Store app.

Step-By-Step Guide

Select the arrows to scroll through the step-by-step setup guide to connect
your DoorDash account to your NRS POS.

Start your DoorDash Integration

Select the Order Management tile on your NRS Merchant Portal. Select the Integrations tab from the Settings menu.
Step 1/10

DoorDash Integration Code

If you have a DoorDash Integration Code, enter it when prompted. If you don’t have a code and already have a DoorDash account, contact your DoorDash Account Manager via phone or email. If you do not know who your account manager is, contact DoorDash Support.
Otherwise, fill in the form to open a DoorDash account and a DoorDash representative will contact you.
Step 2/10

Integration Progress

DoorDash will configure your store catalog.
This can take up to 30 days.
You can check on your integration status here.
Step 3/10

Integration Complete

Once your integration is complete, the DoorDash tile on the Integration Settings tab will appear with a green check mark. Your DoorDash store will be fully integrated with your NRS POS system.
Catalog, inventory and orders are automatically synched with DoorDash.
Settings, orders, catalog and more can be managed directly from the NRS Order Management Platform.
Step 4/10

DoorDash Configuration Options

Your personalized DoorDash configuration settings will be reflected right on your DoorDash store.

Select the Configure button from Settings > Integrations tab > DoorDash to choose how you accept orders, send prices and temporarily pause consumers’ ability to order from your DoorDash store to best manage your business.

Step 5/10

Manage Online Catalog

From the Order Management Settings menu, select the Items tab to manage all of your products across your online ordering channels. 

Make updates, hide items and more.
Your Online Catalog and item prices are automatically pulled from your NRS Pricebook and synched with all of your online ordering channels every day.

Step 6/10

Manage Orders

Manage all your online orders from every online channel from anywhere.
The Manage Orders page is your command and control dashboard which shows new incoming orders, orders being prepared, and open actions.
Monitor time remaining until pickup and urgent orders in red.
Step 7/10

Prepare Orders

Select Start on an order to view details, pick items or print a picking list.
Edit an item (3 dots next to the item) to mark it out of stock, partially fulfill it or replace it with a substitution.
Transition orders by selecting Mark Order Ready
Step 8/10

Order History

View, search, and check delivery status on all completed orders and open orders awaiting pickup.
Step 9/10

Order Management Statistics

View important metrics and statistics across your online sales channels.
Identify best performing platforms, revenue and top selling items. Get actionable insights to manage and grow your business.
Step 10/10
*By submitting the information above, you agree to our privacy policy and terms, which affect your rights, and consent to NRS contacting you by recurring email or calling you, by text message, direct dial, using an automated system or prerecorded voice, and/or using artificial intelligence to discuss NRS’s products and services. Consent is not required to receive any service, and you may opt out at any time.
Integrate DoorDash with your NRS POS!
Contact NRS to get started:

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Note: US & Canada only
*By submitting the information above, you agree to our privacy policy and terms, which affect your rights, and consent to NRS contacting you by recurring email or calling you, by text message, direct dial, using an automated system or prerecorded voice, and/or using artificial intelligence to discuss NRS’s products and services. Consent is not required to receive any service, and you may opt out at any time.
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