Quickly Obtain Your Money with Rapid Same-Day Funding
When compared to our competitors, the cost of credit card processing at NRS is negligible. When merchants use NRS Pay’s Rapid Same-Day Funding, they get their funds faster. The money can be in the bank on the same day as batched, in most cases – even on holidays and weekends! Receive money in as little as 24 to 48 hours and avoid waiting for credit card processing funds
Add this to your NRS Pay plan!
*NRS Pay is a service of National Retail Solutions, Inc. Contract required. Monthly service fee based on plan. Certain features are non-standard and may require additional charges. $6.95/mo terminal assurance optional. Equipment must be returned in undamaged working condition at time of termination or a fee $350/device will be assessed. NRS Pay Cash Discount program is a premium add-on service that is subject to a different fee structure and additional terms and conditions; monthly fee $49.95 applies; fee waived if process over $18k/month; merchant must comply with all applicable laws and payment network conditions. NRS POS unit required – separate contract required; inquire for details. Terms subject to change. National Retail Solutions, Inc. is a registered MSP/ISO of Elavon, Inc., Georgia, a wholly owned subsidiary of U.S. Bancorp, Minneapolis, MN, and a registered ISO of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Concord, CA. IDT Telecom Canada Corp. is a registered MSP/ISO of Elavon, Inc., Georgia, a wholly owned subsidiary of U.S. Bancorp, Minneapolis, MN.